



Saturday March 24 (North Hall 1109)


8:30-9:00 SNACKS


9:00-9:40 Mahdi Asgari (Oklahoma State University)

                On the adjoint L-function of the p-adic GSp(4)


9:50-10:10 Cormac O’Sullivan (Bronx Community College, CUNY)

                  Poincaré series and a conjectural inner product in the space of higher order cuspforms


10:20-10:50 Lloyd Kilford (University of Oxford)

                    A weight 1 Jacquet-Langlands correspondence


11:00-12:00 Nils-Peter Skoruppa (University of Seigen)

                    Weil representations and dimension formula calculations




2:00-2:40 Jeff Stopple (University of California, Santa Barbara)

                Computing L-functions with large conductor


2:50-3:10 Nathan Ryan (University of California, Los Angeles)

                The efficient verification of Tunnell’s criterion


3:20-3:50 B. Ramakrishnan (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)

                A characterization of the space of newforms of half-integral weight and a conjecture of Zagier


4:00-4:50 Kathrin Bringmann (University of Minnesota)

                Estimates of Fourier coefficients of modular forms of small weight


5:00-6:00 Panel: From a research rut to results to publication.



Sunday March 25 (North Hall 1006)


8:30-9:00 SNACKS


9:00-9:35 Charles Li (Academia Sinica)

                Generalizations of the Petersson trace formula


9:45-10:15 David Yuen (Lake Forest College)

                  Restriction methods for calculating Siegel modular and paramodular forms


10:25-10:50 Ahmad El-Guindy (Texas A&M University)

                    Eta quotients and coefficients of modular curves and forms


11:00-12:00 Winfried Kohnen (University of Heidelberg)

                    Generalized modular forms and applications




2:00-2:40 Eknath Ghate (University of California, Los Angeles)

                Counting weight one forms


2:50-3:10 Jennifer Beineke (Western New England College)

                Oppenheim summation and moments of the Riemann zeta function


3:20-4:10 Geoff Mason (University of California, Santa Cruz)

                2-dimensional vector-valued modular forms


4:20-5:00 Mark Coffey (Colorado School of Mines)

                The theta-Laguerre calculus formulation of the Li/Keiper constants


5:00-6:00 Panel: Attracting and graduating successful students.


7:00-… PARTY!!



Monday March 26 (North Hall 1006)


8:30-9:00 SNACKS


9:00-9:20 Daniel Garbin (CUNY Graduate Center)

                The appearance of Eisenstein series through degeneration


9:30-9:50 Feryal Alayont (Grand Valley State University)

                Residues of Eisenstein series via Maass-Selberg relations


10:00-10:20 Brad Emmons (Utica College)

                    Products of an arbitrary number of Hecke eigenfunctions


10:30-10:50 Stephanie Treneer (Dartmouth College)

                    Coefficients of weakly holomorphic modular forms                   


11:00-11:20 Cetin Urtis (University of Wisconsin, Richland)

                    The Siegel-Weil formula and the basis problem


11:30-12:00 Kilian Kilger (University of Heidelberg)

                    Periods of cuspforms of level 2 and an application                   





Tuesday March 27 (North Hall 1006)


8:30-9:00 SNACKS


9:00-9:40 Tomonori Moriyama (Sophia University)

                Generalized Whittaker functions on Sp(2,R) associated with indefinite characters               


10:00-10:30 Mike Daniel (University of Colorado, Boulder)

                    Eisenstein series in a function field of a finite field


10:45-11:15 Xian-Jin Li (Brigham Young University)

                   On exceptional eigenvalues of the Laplacian for Γ0(N)


11:30-12:00 Lynne Walling (University of Colorado, Boulder)

                    Two applications of Hecke operators on Siegel modular forms



2:00-2:30 Benjamin Kane (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

                Computationally feasible bounds for representations of integers and CM lifts of supersingular

                elliptic curves


2:45-3:15 Paul Jenkins (University of California, Los Angeles)

                Zeros of certain weakly holomorphic modular forms


3:30-3:50 Amanda Folsom (Max-Planck-Institute fur Mathematik)

                Duality involving the mock theta function f(q)