Over the last 26 years, the Annual Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics has remained a small and friendly conference. Those attending range from students to new PhD's to established researchers. For young researchers, the conference has provided support and encouragement. For accomplished researchers, it has provided the opportunity to mentor as well as a forum for exchanging ideas.
The workshop has become internationally recognized for both its high-quality research talks and its supportive atmosphere for junior researchers. Participants present cutting-edge research in all areas related to automorphic forms. These include mock modular forms, Maass wave forms, elliptic curves, Siegel and Jacobi modular forms, special values of L-functions, random matrices, quadratic forms, applications of modular forms, and many other topics.
In addition to research talks, the workshop has, in the past years, featured panel discussion sessions on the topics of grant writing, mentoring and research partnerships, REUs and outreach, and opportunities for international collaborations. Based on the success of these sessions, we plan to have similar panel sessions this year as well.
Each participant is strongly encouraged to give a talk which is typically 20, 30, or 40 minutes in length (mostly your choice).
There will be a small registration fee of 30 euros to pay for drinks and snacks.Update: the registration fee has been waived
Send your reimbursement forms to the appropriate people.